Water purification information

Ultrafiltration machine water purifier

Views : 70502
Update time : 2021-10-29 11:49:11
What is an ultrafiltration machine? The ultrafiltration machine is an under-kitchen water purifier with a filtration accuracy of 0.01 micron, which can help you filter out large particles of impurities, visible substances, and small suspended solids in the tap water at home, and absorb residual chlorine, organic matter, and different colors and odors. Keep minerals in the water. Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction to the ultrafiltration machine in the water purifier category.
Single-channel filtration, activated carbon, the effluent is non-direct drinking water quality, suitable for areas with good water quality, because the single-channel water purifier has no ultrafiltration membrane to intercept bacteria, the effluent must be boiled before drinking.
Two-pass filtration, activated carbon + ultrafiltration membrane, the effluent is direct drinking water quality, suitable for areas with better water quality, if it is installed in areas with poor water quality, it is recommended to install a front protection in front to extend the life of activated carbon and ultrafiltration membranes.
Three-pass filtration, PP+activated carbon+ultrafiltration membrane, the effluent is direct drinking water quality, suitable for areas with poor water quality. The water quality of the three filter water purifiers is the same as the following two filter water purifiers, but the protection of PP cotton can extend the life of activated carbon and ultrafiltration membrane.
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