Water purification information

What problems will occur with reverse osmosis water treatment equipment when the pressure is too high?

Views : 10657
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-30 10:24:06
Osmotic water treatment equipment is a commonly used equipment in the water treatment industry. It usually consists of three parts: raw water pretreatment system, reverse osmosis purification system, and ultra-purification post-treatment system.

It is mainly used to remove trace ions, organic matter and other impurities remaining in reverse osmosis pure water to meet the final water quality index requirements for different uses.
So what problems will occur with reverse osmosis water treatment equipment when the pressure is too high?

First, let's take a look at the water pressure range of the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment:

The water pressure range of the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is greater than 0.2MPa to ensure the regeneration of the salt absorption effect.
Because the fully automatic reverse osmosis water treatment equipment relies on hydraulic negative pressure to extract salt water, the pressure at the top of the salt absorber directly affects the speed and effect of salt absorption. Generally speaking, if the pressure is lower than 0.18MPa, the salt absorption effect will be significantly reduced.

If the pressure is greater than 0.5MPa, the salt absorption effect of the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment can certainly be guaranteed, but at this time the pressure of the pipeline part is too large, and each joint is prone to leakage.

In addition, because the water pressure causes the components inside the multi-way valve to be over-pressurized, it may cause the multi-way valve to move inaccurately, and then directly affect the working effect.

Secondly, let's take a look at what problems will occur when the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is under too high pressure?

1. Resin leakage during backwashing
When the water pressure is too high, the resin expansion during backwashing may exceed the calculated value. If the pores of the upper water distributor are large enough, it is very easy for the resin to enter the multi-way valve from the top and flow out along the drainage pipe, thus causing resin leakage.

2. Too much water injection
When the water pressure is too high, more water will be injected into the salt tank during the brine refilling stage, which may cause the water level in the salt tank of the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment to be abnormally high, and sometimes even cause brine overflow.

3. Abnormal valve action and unstable water output
When the water pressure is too high, a pressure exceeding the original calculation may be formed on one side of the multi-way valve piston or valve plate, so that the original motor of the valve body of the reverse osmosis water treatment equipment may not be smooth when driving the valve action, thereby causing the valve to not move in place, etc., which may form some passages inside the valve, and untreated water flows to the outlet through these passages, causing unstable water output.

The above is the common sense introduction about water treatment equipment. I hope it can be helpful to you. If you want to know more about the common sense of water treatment, please leave a message in the comment area, I will try my best to reply. If you want to know more about water treatment knowledge or want to buy related water purification equipment and air purification equipment, please contact me through the following business card. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life!
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